The vaccine book dr sears

Pediatrician bob sears punished for questionable vaccine. Bob, is an american pediatrician from capistrano beach, california, noted for his unorthodox and dangerous views on childhood vaccination. Published in 2007, the vaccine book has sold nearly 180,000 copies and. Sears 2011, paperback, revised at the best online prices at ebay. Sears, this might fool some people does present each vaccine and the disease it prevents in a nicely organized and apparently researched way. Sears had his medical license temporarily revoked a few years ago due to his inaccurate and dangerous views on vaccinations and is. The book includes his two alternative vaccine schedules.

Sears is a practicing pediatrician and the coauthor of several parenting books, including the vaccine book. Dr sears does not go into great depth with each vaccine, which makes the book light reading, especially for a book on vaccinations. Alternate vaccine doctor robert sears accused of gross. I thought the layout of this book was easy to read.

Sears, son of the wellknown william and martha sears who authored several parenting books, wrote his own book about vaccines, which contains misleading and. I loved this book and have reccommended it to several friends. This book does a really nice job presenting each disease that the vaccines are meant to cover. Robert sears of orange county, california, first drew attention after publishing a book in 2007 called the vaccine book. Bill sears is a wellknown author of parenting books, most notably the baby book, a hugely successful and influential guide.

Are there alternative vaccine schedules for babies. Bob, author of the vaccine book and the autism book, and coauthor of the baby book in the sears parenting. In october 2007, dr robert sears, in response to growing parental concerns about the safety of vaccines, published the vaccine book. Ultimately, parents will have to make their own informed decisions as dr. Meet the sears ask dr sears the trusted resource for. Unlike typical antivaccine books, he offers a middle ground, allowing parents to act on their fears without completely abandoning vaccines. Bob has a particular passion for helping parents understand childhood vaccines and the options open to them in choosing the safest possible vaccine schedule for their child. Robert sears the vaccine book is slim, hugely popular with parents and the bane of pediatricians existence. I read this book to prepare myself for the onslaught of questions about vaccines from families in my practice. Bob sears equips you with all the information you need to understand childhood vaccination and make an educated decision. The vaccine issue can be so confusing and most of what you read is biased, either pro vaccine or anti vaccine, with no wiggle room. Bob sears about his book the vaccine book and his upcoming book happy baby. Always consult your doctor for your individual needs. At the back of the book, sears includes dr bobs alternative vaccine schedule, a formula by which parents can delay, withhold, separate, or space out.

Sears, md, a practicing pediatrician, is the author of the vaccine book and. The sears siblings and their mother also authored the healthiest kid in the neighborhood and the allergy book. Making the right decision for your child and introducing what he. He thoroughly discusses a myriad of topics including the basics on vaccines, information on the diagnosis of autism, and therapies from.

The information presented in this site gives general advice on parenting and health care. Sears does a wonderful job giving the risks and benefits of ea. Sears does a thorough job presenting the contents of the various vaccines and the issues involved with clustering shots and using cocktails. Bob sears holding one of his titles, the vaccine book, which explores the possible side effects from vaccinations. Sears book includes what he calls an alternative vaccine schedule, which allows for fewer shots at each visit and. If you would like a more indepth analysis, i would recommend aviva jill romms book vaccinations. Robert sears presents a clear, concise plan for the treatment of autism.

This book gives you a condensed version of details of each vaccine, its ingredients, differences in brands, potential risks, and benefits. Making the right decision for your child 2007, proposes two alternative vaccination schedules that depart from accepted medical recommendations. Sears, md, a practicing pediatrician, is the author of the vaccine book and the autism book, and coauthor of the baby book and the portable pediatrician. Dr sears talks about the vaccine book and going green. Dr bobs selective vaccine schedule is for those who. Making the right decision for your child by robert w. The problem with dr bobs alternative vaccine schedule. The problem with dr bobs alternative vaccine schedule american. Bob wrote both the autism book and the vaccine book, the latter of which has sold over 200,000 copies and is now frequently cited by members of the antivaccination movement. Bob sears and melissa, mother and health freedom educator, on this informative journey where we will discuss everything from disease outbreaks to vaccine risks and side effects, the vaccine schedule, media hype, vaccine laws and controversies, and everything in between. Bob sears examines 2monthold twins andrew and william sandoval in his office in 2014 as their mother, karissa sandoval, looks on. Sears alternative and cdcs childhood vaccine schedules. Bob sears, author of the vaccine book and the autism book and coauthor of the baby book, at sears family pediatrics in capistrano beach.

Sears, md, faap, is a board certified pediatrician in private practice in dana point, ca. Sears is intended to help parents become better informed consumers of health care. Making the right decision for your child, which seeks to address the biggest concerns of parents who are looking for a middle ground between the official cdc vaccine schedule and not getting any vaccines at all. Making the right decision for your child, his indepth knowledge of vaccines and the diseases they prevent has helped parents. Sears the author is actually the son of the famous dr.

He also lays out the issues that, in the media and general public, seem to be surrounding the vaccines. Sears explains the risks and prevalence of each disease as well as the risks of each vaccination. The vaccine book offers parents a fair, impartial, factbased resource from the most trusted name in pediatrics. Bob sears views on vaccines have inspired loyal followers. Sears has covered a very complex topic and has done the ground work for concerned parents and practitioners. The book tells parents what they desperately want to hear, and that has made it an overnight success. To address parents concerns about vaccines, dr robert sears, son of noted pediatrician and author dr william sears, wrote the vaccine book. Bob sears, author of the vaccine book and the autism book and coauthor of the baby book, at sears family pediatrics in capistrano beach on aug. Making the right decision for your child, robert sears, md, writes that the schedules he put together follow proper dosing intervals and age ranges that each vaccine is. He does present a lot of facts about each shot and the risks vs. Sears book is enormously popular, having sold 40000 copies. Dr bob sears, known for promoting a nonevidencebased vaccination. Sears presents the information objectively, explaining the purpose, indgredients, and possible side effects of each vaccine. Bob sears the vaccine book either personally or on their websites.

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